While Timothy Dalton gave the franchise depth and emotional darkness, the returns at the box office were poor. After two films the franchise went into a hiatus for several years, to return with Pierce Brosnan as the new Bond. Brosnan had been the first choice to replace Roger Moore, and he was a natural for the part of Bond. With more charm and elan than Dalton, he helped re-popularize the franchise.
And the Brosnan years started well. Goldeneye is widely recognized as a great Bond film. But each of the following films was weak in some way. By the end of the Brosnan run, the films were sinking into the same trap that ruined the Moore movies: an excess of silly gadgetry, too many recycled plots, and a few really awful casting choices. But even the otherwise awful Die Another Day features great supporting work by Halle Berry - all of the films have some redeeming qualities.
Let's recall the criteria in this series of evaluations again:
- Bond – who the actor is, how good he is, and what he brings to the role
- the Villain- Mr. Big, Scaramanga, etc. I judge the films on how compelling the villain is.
- the Bond Women – some films have few, some have many, but I’m pretty sure all have at least one. The quality ranges from Denise Richards’s absurd nuclear physicist to, of course, Mrs. Bond herself, not to mention Pussy Galore
- the Good Guys – M, Q, Moneypenny, Felix Leiter in his many incarnations and other sidekicks
- the Henchmen on the other side like Jaws, Oddjob, and Nick-Nack.
- the gadgets – not just judging how neat the gadgets are, but whether they were unwisely allowed to take over the film (as often happened with the later Roger Moore filims)
- whatever else I happen to think of