- Ted Cruz: vile, arrogant bastard. Very dangerous person. Sociopath.
- Bobby Jindal: man without moral center, willing to stoop to any level to pander to stupid
- Scott Walker: Kochs' favorite candidate, dangerous because people underestimate him. I'm convinced he's a criminal and has been cheating for years in Wisconsin.
- Jeb Bush: less evil than some of his compatriots, but still stuck in the party he's in.
- Donald Trump: joke candidate.
- Mike Huckabee: old school Southern huckster.
- Ben Carson: just awful
- Carly Fiorina: you don't see HP rallying behind her, do you?
- Lindsey Graham: not stupid, but sold out a long time ago
- Rand Paul: lives in fantasy land, but I like that at least one person is anti-state surveillance
- Marco Rubio: in way over his head
- Rick Perry: dumb as a box of rocks
- George Pataki: hopeless candidate
- Chris Christie: just a rotten bully
It's a lineup that will get any Democrat to vote for Hillary Clinton.